Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bits and pieces

I'm happy with myself, I finally got my Shingles shot last week. Easy peasy. Since I had chickenpox as a child and my father had a nasty case, I thought it prudent.

Anyway, my arm was red for a few days where the shot was given and it itched for a couple of days, but it's all good now.

And then I chipped a back tooth, so I'm getting a crown next week.

And now it is snowing - my bulbs have been peeking out of the ground for awhile already and now it is snowing.

February has been an interesting month.


Martha ~ xpetunia said...

Wow on the snow - we've been in the 70s and will be in the 80s this weekend. :(

Geri said...

Glad you got the shot to prevebt ab outbreak!
Hope all is well in your world!

Missus Wookie said...

our bulbs are peeping out of the mud... snow is prettier :) Hope the crown goes well and March is a good month.

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